May 27, 2021



Looking back and walking forward,

Is a bit hard to do?

So snip the strands of doubt,

Holding you back,

Propelling you forward.

Now nothing is stopping you.

© 2021 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

May 18, 2021




- Networking for Women in Business Lunch

- Non-Stop Comedic Cabaret by Man & Boy

- Coffee & Connect hosted by Kingston Chamber of Commerce

- Kingston LinkedIn Networking Evening.

- Creativity is Intelligence with Sujata Paul, Mary Lynn Luiz and Rawle Iam James.

- Women in Business Lunch hosted by Kingston Chamber of Commerce

- Business Breakfast Event hosted by Kingston Chamber of Commerce

- Storytelling at Chessington and Kingston upon Thames

- Storytelling at Rustington Convalescent Home

- WobblingPen Stories on Motivational Strips

- New Facebook Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen


- WobblingPen Store Facebook & Instagram

- WobblingPen Trilogy Audiobooks - Stories & Poems for Relaxation & Travel 

Storytelling with Penny Wobbly at Hook and Chessington Library 

- The Christmas Literary Honors by Motivational Strips

- Ebook 1 and 2  "Stories & Poems for Relaxation & Travel"


- Stories & Poems for Relaxation & Travel with Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen 1

- Children's Stories on a Journey 1

- Certificate of Literary Rabindranath Tagore by Motivational Strips

- WobblingPen Stories on Bharath Vision and Motivational Strips


- Jury of Grow Your Buds Poetry Rendition Contest

- The Voice Of Mighty Quills talk show episode 8

- Certificate The Voice Of Mighty Quills

- Anniversary Literary Festival, Certificate by Motivational Strips

- Award Golden Badge by Motivational Strips

- Award of Recognition by Haven for the World Writers

- Storytelling with WobblingPen at New Zealand

- Storytelling Charity and Esmeralda at New Zealand

- WobblingPen Stories on Bharath Vision and Motivational Strips

- Collaboration by The Two Friendly Poets


- Release of the book Bird Fables

- Blog WobblingPen

- Certificate by Haven World Writers

- Storytelling with WobblingPen at New Zealand

- Storytelling Charity and Esmeralda at New Zealand

- Age Concern Meeting at Kerikeri

- Society of Authors New Zealand Meeting

- WobblingPen Stories on Bharath Vision and Motivational Strips

- Collaboration by The Two Friendly Poets


- Release of the book Satu Stories

- Release of the book Lily Tales

- World Literary Prize Global Poetic Star

- Platinum Certificate of Honour Literary Excellence

- Facebook Stories for Children with Wobbly 

- Facebook Lily Tales and Satu Stories

- Battersea's Big Day Out

- Thumbs Up It's Thursday Storytelling

- Storytelling of Mischievous Cats for Halloween

- Women's Institutes Meeting

- Radio Interview to Alan Johnson of Poets Narrative

- WobblingPen Poems on NGAGE CAFÉ

- WobblingPen Poems on The Dear John Show

- Writers as Carers Group Webinars

- Society of Authors Awards

- Collaboration by The Two Friendly Poets


- Writers as Carers Group Webinars

- Society of Authors Awards

- Collaboration by The Two Friendly Poets


- Website and Facebook WobblingPen

- First Song release "I Am Here"

- Storytelling with WobblingPen at Wags N Tales

- Society of Authors Awards

- The London Book Fair

- Writers as Carers Group Meeting

- Storytelling with WobblingPen at New Zealand


- Audio stories with a musical introduction called Catching a Story and Capturing The Moment

- Women's Group Storytelling with WobblingPen

- Storytelling with WobblingPen for Children, Romania


- The London Book Fair


- Storytelling with WobblingPen at Hook Library

2013 - 2005

- Storytelling with WobblingPen on Schools Events

- Storytelling with WobblingPen on Hospitals Events


- Canine Partners Talk


- Storytelling with WobblingPen at Black Prince Cruise

May 2, 2021



When looking back it becomes clear

The strangest of things

Not a word upon a page did I spring

Not a story told how sad.

Now how things change

Never stay the same

Words bounce around in my head

Waiting to be rearranged.

Once it was fear when I held a pen

Disaster flooded the page

How I longed for stories

With punctuation and spelling pristine.

Thankfully now with my PC’s help

And writing in full flow

Stories tumble from my pen

From me to you just hope they will not end.

© 2021 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License