Nov 9, 2020


When, a gentleman, of extended years, revisited his youth. 

He bemoaned the fact he had had to give up a promising career in professional boxing, due to an undiagnosed heart defect.

I said, "It did you a good turn, as it has preserved your handsome good looks, which have been an asset, in the world of performing music."

Your next very successful career move was as a singer, in the musical world of the ’60s in Liverpool with the Beatles. 

An experience not to be missed by anyone.

Sometimes in life, what looks like the end of the world, can be the start of another.

© Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Nov 4, 2020



I am a snake, no one loves me!

They run in terror when we meet.

Or find a pole or stone to try to kill me.

Yet poison I do not carry, it’s friends I’d like to meet.

I want to be loved, stroked and passed around as a friend.

Or left to sleep through cold nights and days.

Will you take the time to get to know me?

Examine me from a distance and note the marking on my skin.

Take your time and find the friend within.

I am a safe snake, except when I am hungry.

© 2020 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen 

Photo: Pixabay License