Oct 17, 2024



The love of writing and storytelling is the driving force that propels us to put our work out.

So I am sure like me, you write for love if it soars wonderful.

If not you leave a footprint on life for others to read in the future, at the edge of a small pond.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Oct 16, 2024



I am a donkey called Fernando, living with a lovely man in the coastal hills of Spain.

Sometimes on my journeys, I can see, when up a hilltop, a huge amount of water they call the sea.

Strange, as very few people I know have been there or seen it, except from up here, when we pause each day, on the highest hilltop, to rest and have a drink and some hay.

I gazed towards the sea, wishing I could visit one day.

The day when it came was so exciting: my owner had a rich nephew who had phoned with an invitation.

“Come on down to the seaside. I will pay; it is fiesta day.”

My owner’s face lit up in excitement, which quickly faded away.

“Thank you, my nephew. I have to humbly say no. I have Fernando, my donkey, to look after. I cannot leave him and go, as there are wild dogs here and they would hurt him, I know.”

“Bring him with you. I will send a truck to give you both a ride. Fernando will be safe in my stable with Marie, my donkey, and we can join the fiesta, with music, horses and noisy marching bands. We can walk together on the golden sand with Marie and Fernando running freely in and out of the water, and rolling in delight, wildly on the sand. Marie knows how to be safe in the water; she will take Fernando in hand.”

“Ok, we will come.”

“Stay the night with me,” the nephew said. “Then we can celebrate without worry if we drink one drink more than planned.”

So my owner washed me down, brushed me like mad, and polished my reins and brass bits until they looked the best they ever had.

Then he brought a lovely black hat to me, which he said had a story to tell.

It fell out of the sky during a terrible gale and landed at his feet. He tried to find the owner, but failed.

So he kept it in the cupboard in case someone might like to wear it.

“That day has now come. I am going to give it to you to wear. I will cut holes for your ears and tuck flowers in the headband. You will become Fernando, one of the most handsome donkeys in this land.”

A year later, the nephew rang again, “Uncle, it is fiesta time again. Please come with Fernando. I will send a lorry for you both, just like last time.”

My old man sighed deeply, as he did not imagine he would be asked again. It had been a very hard year for Fernando and him.

He drew himself up, saying, “Yes, nephew; we will come.”

Next day, after being groomed very thoroughly, and with a case with all that we both needed, we were loaded onto the lorry for our trip to the seaside.

I was led to the stable where Marie greeted me in excitement, leaning out her head, hee-hawing, “Hee-haw, hee-haw.”

I replied in a language only we understood. Suddenly, I stopped in puzzlement, as another young voice called from the stall.

The nephew opened the stable door, saying, “This is the surprise I have had for you both. Marie has a foal called Miranda. I have been longing to tell you, but decided to wait till fiesta day came around once more.”

So, as a lovely family united, we set off, with my black hat firmly in place, ready for a great family fiesta day out.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Daniela Silvia Serban



My mind is firmly on those in our world who are being savagely attacked and destroyed by both nature and their neighbours.

Tackling this requires concerted effort and understanding to change long-held, radically old ideas and doctrines. Without our knowledge and cooperation, the expansion of both will lead to the destruction of our living creatures, all extremely valuable. It is happening already, faster than we could ever possibly have imagined; species in the eco-chain are disappearing, due to our mismanagement and lack of understanding. We need to wake up now, and take responsibility, starting in our homes and neighbourhoods: simple changes with big impact; they work. Neighbourhoods are most effective when they work together.

Wars, no matter how small, are filled with destruction at every level. Trust, respect, honesty, caring, and friendship are blown up with them. It is not just the destruction of homes and places we have loved, awful though that is. It is the food chains and water supplies; it is the battered bodies and minds of humans and animals that are irreplaceable and need funds and help well into the future. It is madness. We, the majority, know the stupidity and the cost to our countries and we want the wars to stop.

There is a saying: talking saves lives. I would add: that talking, understanding, trust and honest friendship save lives.

Wars leave total devastation for all involved.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

Oct 15, 2024

Yesterday: A Touch of the Past


A totally unexpected, amazing thing happened here yesterday, apart from the delightful and welcoming arrival of Anne Watts to join Anna Almeida, who is staying with us on holiday.

Together, who knows what will happen when we join our minds and efforts for children and people in need or distress at the moment? 

It’s a huge task, but if we tackle it a bit at a time within our capabilities, a small patch might grow into a quilt.

Anne is settling in, and the friends who brought her surprised me with an extraordinary, precious letter from Florence Nightingale no less! 

It was such a thrill to hold and read something very few have seen. It had been kept by a family member who died out, leaving it to Anne’s friend. 

Anne suggested I might like to see it. Indeed I did; what a thrill. 

What an unexpected and wonderful experience!

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo by melanfolia меланфолія on  Unsplash

Oct 14, 2024



We did not notice as you sat at our table, a happy family. We encourage you to stay. You kept nipping out for a smoke, 

Blowing it high up in the air. A meal we spread before you, first of all, you chased it absently and mindlessly around the plate. 

While we sat and chatted away, gently asking about your new baby boy born the previous day you played with your knife and fork, taking an occasional bite. 

We said, ‘You must be proud to be a Dad at last.’ 

He laughed and said ‘Yes!’ And tried to rise. 

We said, ‘Finnish your meal, as no one home is there. 

‘No!’ he laughed loudly. ‘I have to go through,’ gulping down his tea. 

He tried to give Dad a new box of kitchen tiles. 

Dad said ‘No thank you. You need them for your work.’

‘No I won’t!’ He said sharply starting to put his jacket on. 

We told him to go home and rest up while he could. 

We waved him off into the now dark night. At ten in the morning, the phone rang. 

Grasping the phone I was told, our friend had hung himself. In the garage after he left us. His wife had told him the baby was not his. 

We were stunned, brains racing, what had we missed? 

That moment lived with us vividly for a long time, what had we missed? 

I still wonder all these years later what did we miss? 

There are many families, friends and colleagues left with unanswered question. 

‘What did we miss?’

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo by D koi on Unsplash

Oct 12, 2024



Fantasy the very word starts my imagination running free.

The constraints and bonds drop away from me.

I start to look around and construct a world better for all, where truth runs free and respect is not bought just honestly given.

In my fantasy land red tape would be cut to the quick.

Animals would be able to converse with you and me.

Explaining what plants to eat without being sick.

Oh my, how wonderful that would be.

All children would go to school, no need to pay home to teach their parents some wonderful new ways.

Sharing knowledge their income would surely rise.

A home their own little palace would be earn’t what a surprise.

Bullies young and old would be tackled with a spectacular spell.

They’d soon learn their lesson, repent and bully no more.

Wars would disappear then forever for sure.

If ill health should start, a walk through a beam would see it’s fantasy cure.

Pain would be banished in this miraculous world of mine, as it is unfair that so many suffer through no fault of their own.

Fires, storms and weather events would be more contained with warnings.

So life could be preserved not damaged and reinvented time after time.

A spell would ensure we never forget our love for one another, plus the gift of kindness we can on others bestow.

Yet another spell at the end of life, just to let us slip gently away.

Leaving the World a clean, cherished place for others to comfortably stay.

Oh if only, a tiny bit of my fantasy could become reality, the changes would be good.

Perhaps without the spells, using human compassion and skills, parts might still be commonly used.

Our damaged world so needs all the help we as humans can manage to give now.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License



Pitter, patter rain splatters steadily down my windowpane, wind-driven louder rattles earn my interest now and again,

Little raindrops start their hit and run the minute they kiss and shatter on the glass.

A single drop joins the relentless slow build-up, playing stops and goes slipping and sliding down very fast.

All of a sudden the window ledge stops the drops and rain shoots off, forming a small puddle on the path.

When only a shower it evaporates to fall as rain once again, somewhere a little further off.

If it has been born from a storm, heavy bashing rain comes crashing and shatters in torrents on the glass.

It shoots off in waterfalls of thundering power, down off the ledge throwing pebbles haphazardly into space.

It is desperate to join the pounding throng of gallons of water in a mad chase.

Ever moving forward into the river increasing its power and pace.

Playing its music with bursts of froth and dramatic showers of spray.

Then after all the tremendous active water gymnastics, It swirls out of the river mouth and across the bay.

To be pampered by gentle breezes to soothe and move all it's aggression away.

So please spare a thought for the rain.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Oct 9, 2024



Tramping off to school, with the wind playing boisterous games,

Flicking old leaves off branches, sailing slowly to the ground.

I am covered in confetti while grasping the whole different coloured leaves to my chest.

To press later for a collage, to present and share in the class.

Dodging low branches trying to whip my hat away, made a quick grab with a hand, to help it to stay.

Glancing down at the pavement with it's zigzagging cracks, I already for a hop, skip and a big puddle jump.

Meeting my friends we entered school, arguing, giggling, and laughing.

Jostling, we settled into line until our names were called out.

Those were the days when we were footloose and fancy-free.

However, I am quite glad, they are now well behind me.

Welcome to the Fall and Leave falling Time

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License



Clipperty Critter was certainly a horse.

With a name like that, it could not be a fish.

He lived a life with humans but had a secret strange wish.

As a horse he did as he was instructed, pulling, carting, to earn his essential daily food.

Yet on his travels, he was observant, watching birds flitting about flying high.

He was very envious as he longed to fly.

To walk with hoofs down on the ground was fine, he wanted to raise his hoofs up and fly.

The hope was that he would be able to travel two ways it was the height of his ambition.

While on his own in the stable, he made wings out of straw.

When complete he picked his stable lock open.

Nudged it a bit more and pranced out the door, increasing his speed to gallop up the nearest, highest hill.

It was not a strange idea, as he had heard humans talk, of Pegasus a horse with wings.

If he can do it so can I, was Clipperty's very confident though?

At the top of the hill, he adjusted his wings and glanced a final look around.

Took a deep breath flapped his wings and hung suspended, before he dropped, bounced, dropped and bounced again.

The result, there was no need to describe it was not nice, it was horrid.

For just a few moments, Clipperty achieved his wish and flew.

Unexpectedly, he found a new permanent home in a place where humans pray.

A horse is just a horse, of course, a bird is just a bird.

Trying to be what we are not, is really quite absurd.

2024 © The Two Friendly Poets

Photo: Pixabay License

Oct 7, 2024



Change happens only when you gain the courage to let go of the past and bravely face new experiences.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo by Ross Findon on Unsplash

Oct 5, 2024



We switched off the lights and turned to look towards the flat calm sea.

The moon lit up the night sky and bathed the sea in silver, picking out the red and green navigational lights like sparkling jewels placed in the water, showing a safe passage for small boats to move underway, into the bay and out to sea. It was breathtaking.

A special moment to remember!

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo by Travis Leery on Unsplash



Most of the inhabitants of this World seek to live and value simple lives. 

It is the minority who work to greedy, selfish agendas, that seek to destroy what most of us cherish. 

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo by Andrew Stutesman on Unsplash

Oct 2, 2024



Little sparrow sitting on the bough.

Trying to decide what today’s weather might bring.

Yesterday was terrible and onto a sheltered branch, he had to cling.

As the wind ruffled and tugged at his feathers.

Today looked more promising, the sun was shining.

The wind just a gentle sigh passing by.

He flew to the highest branch of the tree.

To bathe in the sun and sing a joyful song for you and me.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Illustrator by Francisca Ferro Duarte

Sep 28, 2024



Since people have spoken or met singularly or in groups, the word "Welcome" has been used as a greeting, with multiple meanings attached.

It is brilliant when it works and disastrous when it fails and is rebuffed.

We welcome you, to try to express some occasions, when this word has meant something to you good or bad.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Sep 27, 2024



Shoe shuffle, shoe shuffle, slide away and glide.

Shoe shuffle, shoe shuffle, wriggle left and right,

Shoe shuffle stop, and bend down low,

Shoe shuffle, shoe shuffle, off we go

Tippy toe, tippy toe, tippy toe.

Shoe shuffle, hold your partner, slide away and glide.

Shoe shuffle, lead her in a wriggle, left and right.

Shoe shuffle both, gently bend down low,

Shoe shuffle, shoe shuffle off we go.

Tippy toe, tippy toe, tippy toe.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo by julio andres rosario ortiz on Unsplash

Sep 26, 2024



Cooler weather is on its way. 

Warmer clothing was brought into play. Summer favourites are to be folded and put away.

Warmer, heavier shoes brought out to wear, tucking away my comfortable flip-flops.

Raincoats rainproofed, with hoods: mine slips over my eyes; not good. 

I might walk into something hard while blinkered, a challenge I must tackle if I do not want to sustain an unexpected injury.

Hot soups, prepared and frozen, ready for a quick snack before or after a winter stroll.

Brooms and green bags for swept-up leaves, dead flowers and bush pruning. 

Bird feeder and drink preparation for the delightful birds who provide much-needed winter entertainment.

Time now to tuck into my cosy dressing gown and sip a warming, pleasurable cup of tea, while mulling over the summer's passing.

We are wishing everyone a safe, happy, and friendly time ahead. 

Remember to spread a little kindness and watch it grow.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo by alex geerts on Unsplash

Sep 25, 2024




- Women in Business Forum, Kingston upon Thames

- Storytelling with Penny Wobbly, WI event, Chessington

- Business Breakfast event, Hampton Court

- Storytelling in the Garden hosted by Penny Wobby

- BIG Creative & Digital Innovation Cluster

- Business Breakfast event, Kingston

- Networking for Women in Business Lunch

- Non-Stop Comedic Cabaret by Man & Boy

- Coffee & Connect, Kingston

- Kingston LinkedIn Networking Evening.

- Creativity is Intelligence with Sujata Paul, Mary Lynn Luiz and Rawle Iam James.

- Women in Business Lunch, Kingston

- Business Breakfast Event, Kingston 

- Storytelling at Chessington and Kingston 

- Storytelling at Rustington Convalescent Home

- WobblingPen Stories on Motivational Strips

- New Facebook Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen



I woke up with a smile on my face.

No matter what the weather might bring, I am determined to switch a smile into place, coming from the joy within, sharing life with the man I love.

Each day is different, it is true; not all covered in a rosy hue.

Life throws some unwanted curve balls. One headed our way last night.

Yet we batted it away, with worries and plans shared.

No need to frown with tears dripping down. Very few like a misery, a moaner, a groaner around.

So, with a smile, I am ready to face any bump in the road. With the strength of the warm love supporting me.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Sep 24, 2024



Two ladies who first met through the wonders of the internet and instantly made a connection of mutual admiration and sharing of life stories.

Their lives so far cover a similar time scale, starting in the UK. They had pretty normal family lives and (almost) shared a common family surname. They both had a desire to help others and became nurses. Once qualified, they independently headed abroad, one with Save the Children fund, and the other to a family in New Zealand. It was then their very different adventures began.

This year, 2024, they decided to meet one another in the flesh and share their amazing life experiences. Their names are Anne Watts and Penny Wobbly. The visit was arranged for 5 September 2024.

Penny Wobbly

I could not wait to meet Anne, someone I have admired for a while. We had exchanged emails, phone conversations, and Zoom meetings, where her lovely personality, sense of humour, and practical, no-nonsense approach to her amazing life experiences intrigued me.

I longed to meet her and today we did. I was like a teenager awaiting the appearance of her pop idol. Everything was ready for her arrival.

My husband set off for his dental appointment. I was going to walk to the station to meet Anne once she had notified me she was on the train. The call came and I put on my coat and collected my three-wheeler, ready to set off, when a clap of thunder and a flash of lightning announced the arrival of the forecast yellow storm. The rain thundered down, pounded on the roof and bounced off the ground in monsoon fashion. My heart sank. I couldn’t walk to the station in this, and we would most definitely not be able to walk home together either.

Rapid implementation of a cobbled-together Plan B: I rang my lovely carer and asked if her husband could run me to the station on his way to pick up their children from school, as my young man was out at the dentist. He so very kindly agreed and, on arrival, he had to back his car through a newly formed lake. I told him not to leave the car. I would manage to skirt the lake and hop in. The rain fell in stair rods, an old-fashioned description; however, once in the car, we set off on the very short ride to the station. I leapt out; well, it might not have been as swiftly as that. 

Hobbling down thirty stairs to the platform, I gazed into the distance, having been told by Anne that she was at the back end of the train and wearing a bright jacket. My cataract vision was put to the test in the dull rainy light. There was a flash of bright colour heading left out of the station; if I had blinked, I would have missed her. Oh no!

I headed for the thirty steps back up to the station entrance, speeding my dot-and-carry leg action, to meet what would definitely be a dripping Anne, as the route she took was out in the deluge.

As I reached the top, she appeared around the corner, dragging her case. We hugged, and laughed; two soggy ladies, delighted to have at last been able to meet in real-time, without pens in our hands. I was in seventh heaven but had to send for the help of my young man to whisk us home when his dental visit ended.

Suddenly, the traffic snarled into an almost unmovable mass as the school day ended and parents, who normally left children to walk home, arrived to try to keep them dry.

My husband appeared and, once we settled in the car, I looked at him: he was absolutely soaked. He too had been caught in the deluge on leaving the dentist and rushing to his car up a nearby street.

What a welcome! Yet, in spite of everything, it will be remembered for a very long time by us all.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Sep 23, 2024



The roar from the TV made me sit up and take a look.

A football match was in full flow, with players running about on a pitch.

An unexpected goal was scored, against the pundits’ call.

Who is playing? I struggled to see: it was Arsenal and Wolves.

Arsenal players were in despair, allowing a goal in just as the end was near.

Wolves were madly celebrating. 

Arsenal picked up their spirits and the ball, heading for the spot, arranging themselves in playing order. No time to wait at all.

Hardly had the whistle been blown then the ball was in the back of the net.

Arsenal fans roared their delight, but their players returned the ball to the spot at speed.

Their determination was to score again to cement their claim to the game.

Once more, a few touches of the ball were applied and the same player scored.

Not satisfied, they placed the ball on the spot again. 

No time to spare.

Dodging Wolves defenders, into the goal it flew.

As Wolves crumbled in disbelief, Arsenal fans and players roared.

And the whistle used by the referee blew and blew. 

Game over.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo by Gurdain Bharj on Unsplash



The withering and dropping have started, and as the season steadily increases, so have the changes.

The bright colours of the flowers silently fade before the eventual downward plop.

The Earth awaits to embrace and absorb them once more.

A process of renewal carried out year after year since it began its mysterious wake-up time.

This year has been very stressful for all the inhabitants and soil of this precious land.

Let’s hope next year, when these beauties start to appear, we have a better, shared, and safer future planned.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo by Enes Gundogdu on Unsplash



The fairies are approaching with feather dusters,

To flick away worldly concerns, keeping them safe

’Til you awaken, refreshed, to review them on a new day.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo by Mamun Srizon on Unsplash

Sep 20, 2024



I have a phone, smarter than I am, much of which I don’t understand, with messages arriving without my command.

We are told not to press buttons that appear unrequested.

Some are disguised and colourfully presented to look like those we love.

Yet they are created deliberately to entrap and attack us, with cruel, malicious, daylight robbery and uninvited calls.

Yet, conversely, we cherish our phones for emergencies, too, for communication, information, research, photography, for instant heritage and memory recall.

For every evil attack delivered to our phones, we have security barriers to contain the damage.

To repair them or produce new ones with more information we have to understand.

Working furiously to repeal and help keep us safe. Yet we have to take care to keep our curiosity in check.

Keep our fingers away from the talk button, to stop allowing viruses a way to start their attacks.

Perhaps we have to return to handwritten letters and no internet once more, however, I would find it very difficult without spell check.

I love my phone, yet I worry about the future. I hope I am wrong.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

Sep 19, 2024



My husband was grumbling, "Do you remember those blueberries I planted?" I nodded in reply.

"Well they have masses of berries and some are blue, but every time I go to pick them, none are ripe enough. What a waste of space they are!"

I noticed a while ago that he had netted them to protect them from the birds.

With my interest alerted, I began to take a closer look at the blueberry bushes.

Suddenly a flurry of black feathers landed on the net, it was a blackbird.

I sat quietly watching and caught the thief at work.

He looked around to see if it was safe to start his robbery.

He pecked at the blueberries through the net, as it was a tight mesh net he could not pull the berries through.

That did not stop him from picking the fruit.

How silly is that I thought to myself, to just destroy the fruit?

Then he flew down to the ground and there laid out before him was a carpet of juicy blueberries.

He quickly crushed and swallowed them, staining his yellow beak blue in the process.

My husband decided, he would have to be up very early to beat the blackbird to his Blueberry breakfast.

2024 ©  Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Sep 18, 2024



Staring out the windowpane, looking at the rain, wondering when normal service would be resumed again.

No friendly ringing, no poems or stories to enjoy, just silence hanging heavily no joy.

Hands reach out to tap the keys, to creatively dance the words upon the screen.

Yet no matter what I tap, there is nothing to be seen.

At last, the knowledge I did have to accept, no internet connection could I expect.

A flash of communication appeared, you have no internet connection.

I thought that was plain to see! I just want to know how you can return it to me.

A voice from a distant part informed me it was fine on their end. All is well for them but what about me, silence still reigns.

I am an old customer, yet service to me does not extend.

Firmer action is needed for the voices on the other end.

Or this long-standing relationship will sadly have to terminate.

As I go searching for a much more supportive, helpful unseen connector.

To join in reconnecting me to my so wonderful internet friends.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Sep 16, 2024



Shop, shop! Oh quick stop, stop! I was on my way to buy food when I lost the shop I was going to.

It's amazing but one by one they have put up their shutters and closed for good. At first, it did not dawn on me as there was always one more on the corner around our way you see.

Then horror upon horror my options started to shrink. Now there is no shop there for us to pop out to buy our food or our drink.

I'm old and a car is a luxury we can't afford and buses here have stopped calling, ‘All aboard!’

So open your eyes. Stop the rot, or the superstore will have closed the lot!

Stop, stop! Use your local shop.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo by Edward Howell on Unsplash

Sep 15, 2024



If you owned a caterpillar and had to buy him shoes, you would use up all your pocket money and have none left to buy your chews.

However, once he became a butterfly, three pairs would be all he’d need to wear.

Because by then, he’d have grown two lovely wings to help carry his weight and prevent holes from rapidly appearing through the bottom of his shoes.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo by Sonika Agarwal on Unsplash

Sep 14, 2024



Iris on moving into a new area was invited by a new friend to her house.

The lady said ‘I am having a coffee morning, and will ask some of my neighbours to come round to meet you. It might help you, to feel more at home here. 

Iris was delighted and accepted the invitation.

On the appointed day, she swung into her friend's shared drive, took a fit of sneezing, and ploughed through a row of Mail Boxes.

‘As of course, you shut your eyes when you sneeze, don’t you!’

What a way to make new friends. However, all was redeemed by the new friend, who happened to have, a handyman, working on her property at the time and he quickly repaired the damage.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo by Hiroshi Kimura on Unsplash

Sep 13, 2024



Darkly silently it glides in feet first, before retracting it’s wings to maintain a balance.

The deadly work then begins.

Poking, snapping, devouring, young frogs from their underwater dwelling.

I know it is nature and we should not interfere.

However, our frogs are becoming rarer and now need saving.

I’ve deepened the pond, and rigged up preventative fishing line, to stop their ease of access.

It will not totally prevent the crow's raids.

Just decrease their killing spree.

So frogs will still come to my pond at mating time.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Crow Photo by Chris Linnett on Unsplash

Frog Photo by Dulcey Lima on Unsplash

The Fish Pond Photo by  Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen



Just 15 minutes slots you have been paid to spend with me.

No time to chat or you might forget to wash my feet, along with my body.

Clothes off! Clothes on! 

Quick we have to be! 

Ouch, take care that hurt!

Just time for food to be put in front of me. 

Pills, hot tea and drink, whichever is my choice.

Then off you go at speed, to achieve the next timed deadline.

No time to chat, though that is the care I hunger for the most.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Sep 12, 2024



Three young birds, feathers all shining and new, stood by their mother, admiring the view.

Their mother said, ‘Please follow me all of you and do as I do.’

She spread her wings and gently flew to the branch of a nearby tree.

‘Come on now, don't be frightened, just do what I showed you.’

They seemed a bit scared, so back to the roof she went.

Once more she called to the little birds, ‘Come on darlings, do what I do.’

The birds watched once more, and then one of them was tempted by his mother's call.

He landed on the tree with a bit of a wobble and shouted, ‘It’s great, come on down you two!’

The others would not be outdone, so they launched themselves into the air and found it was such fun.

Mother bird said, ‘You know, we are the lucky ones, as only feathered birds can fly like us. Humans need a ticket, sometimes a passport, and have to wait for hours at an airport, to fly in a big airbus.’

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo by Maurice Schalker on Unsplash



When first I set eyes on you,

I knew you were the one.

We will always be together,

Loving, helping and having fun.

Where I lead you follow, 

Making friends along the way.

Our bonding is complete,

And when out together on our feet

We are treated as one.

We both have our times of freedom,

When I run free and play rough and tumble.

It is you I watch out for.

You are my night and day,

I really love you unconditionally,

There is no other way.

This may be my last word, so remember,

At the time of our parting which will surely come

My spirit will be there beside you

To help and guide you

I love you, I do, I really do

Woof Woof Woof Woof

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo by Donna Cecaci on Unsplash


Sep 10, 2024



A golden wedding band went missing somewhere in the coral sand.

It was found by a passing mermaid and worn upon her hand.

At first, she felt the sorrow its loss must surely bring.

She knew there would have been great searching and wondering.

She’d like to tell the owner, she’d wear it now with pride, it would be her connection to the world, up beyond the tide.

Her wish for the replacement would be, to give it once again with love though in a slightly smaller size.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo by Daniela Silvia Serban

Sep 9, 2024

My Pen & I




The needs of most of humanity are simple: a dwelling, however fragile, to call their own; steady, clean water, sanitation and food supply; clothing; good friends, love, family and a sense of belonging, with access to education and health services in a community setting.

Only a small minority of humanity seek and demand more, much more, using terror, pain, death and destruction of what the majority hold dear. 


We enter this world with nothing, and we leave with nothing, not even our bodies.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo by Eric Prouzet on Unsplash